2012年3月9日 星期五

【移民特考】三、四等移民署考前整理與猜題- Part -6 作文

六、公職作文高分秘笈 (三等以上)

外交: (100分比重)

97年    對外國媒體介紹台灣之美 120 w

     介紹台灣傳統婚禮的演講稿 120 w

     以台北經濟文化辦事處回覆文化差異 200 w

95年舉一英雄 英雌 並解釋

關務: (100分比重)

97年              機場安檢重要 250 w

97  工作職業

96  衣裝對人形象影響 150 w

95年對一段話的感想 150 w

司法: (100分比重)

100   感謝函(回覆)關於外國司法協助遣返罪犯

99年              感謝函(回覆)關於外國司法協助罪犯逮捕;

98年              對外國人宣導智慧產權 200 w

98年              死刑 必要之惡 200 w

96年     台灣司法改革優先之事 350 w

調查局: (100分比重)

98   健康小方法 300 w

97   選一科技產品對你為何重要 150 w

96  選一最愛季節 180 w

95年     舉一英雄 英雌 並解釋

95   民主與法制  150 w


而在此我們提供一篇論說(說明)文模組並以”Human rght” 為題的論說(說明)文模組寫法提供給大家參考。


These days we often hear that ( 1 ). It is common that ( 2 ). Why does such circumstance occur in spite of social protects?

For one thing, ( 3 ). For another, ( 4 ). What is more, since ( 5 ), it is natural that ( 6 ).

To solve the problem is not easy at all ,but is worth trying .We should do something such as ( 7 ) to improve he present situation ,and in this way, I do believe everything will be better in the future .

1提出論題  :

由於全球化人口移動潮流台灣已成為東南亞地區婚姻移民和勞動人口的輸入國。而媒體報導血汗工廠(sweatshop) 和人口販運(human trafficking)的議題更是我們需要注意的議題雖然說根據2011年美國官方人口販運報告中台灣被列為是對人口販運打擊不餘遺力的國家。(Taiwan keeps its rank this year as a top-tier nation in fighting international human trafficking according to the 2011 Trafficking in Persons Report by the U.S. State Department) (China Post Jul/3rd/2011) 但是我們還是仍有許多進步空間何曉鳳即為一例。


2說明現狀 :


The International Labor Organization, a U.N. body, and activists Kevin Bales and Siddarth Kara say there may be 10 million to 30 million people living in slavery around the world. The U.N. estimates the total value of the human trafficking market at US$32 billion. ( China Post Jul/3rd/2011)


3理由一 :

1. 貧窮與財富不均

一般認為,貧窮與所得分配不均是導致人口販運的根本原因。在一國家內,如果貧窮與分配不均的情況越嚴重,則越容易產生被邊緣化與受傷害的人群。這一群人缺乏一個完善的政策與機制,來確保基本的生活需求。 (歐洲聯盟與打擊人口販運 姜家雄)



2. 市場需求

供給與需求是一體的兩面,換言之,如果沒有所謂的人口販運的市場需求,人口販運的問題也不會越來越嚴重。人口販運的市場需求主要包括廉價勞工的需求、色情產業的需求 (歐洲聯盟與打擊人口販運 姜家雄)



3. 性別的不平等

性別的不平等,是指因性別差異而獲得不公平的對待,也就是性別歧視(gender discrimination),通常發生於對女性的歧視。造成女性在工作職場未獲得公平待遇,進而阻礙她們獲得應有的財富與權益。在家庭裡,女性的地位被邊緣化,無法獲得應有的尊重與保障。          (歐洲聯盟與打擊人口販運 姜家雄)



一、對人權的侵犯 二、對衛生健康的威脅 三、對國家安全的危害


也是人間至大的悲劇(Human trafficking has become one of the biggest human tragedies internationally.)



人口販運防制工作包括落實預防 (prevention)、起訴 (prosecution)及保護(protection)的整體防制策略。

一、 預防層面:強調提升國人對人口販運議題之認識瞭解、強化外來人口對其權益之認識、檢討現行外勞政策與制度等作為。

二、 查緝及起訴層面:則強調專人專責積極查辦人口販運案件、對加害人從重求刑及強化各機關橫向聯繫協調等作為;期以整體防制策略,動員全體力量共同防制。

   三、 保護層面:強調給予被害人適當之安置處所、確保其人身安全、相




These days we often hear that human trafficking and sweatshop have been the two key issues both national-and international-wide as reported in the mass media. With the trend of global population movement, Taiwan has been the import country of marriage immigration and labor force. Although Taiwan keeps its rank this year (2011) as a top-tier nation in fighting international human trafficking according to the 2011 Trafficking in Persons Report by the U.S. State Department, there is still a lot to be desired in such aspect of improving and promoting human rights, as exemplified by Ho’s case. It is common that the most serious problem in encroaching human rights is the human trafficking. In addition, the International Labor Organization, a U.N. body, and activists Kevin Bales and Siddarth Kara say there may be 10 million to 30 million people living in slavery around the world. The U.N. estimates the total value of the human trafficking market at US$32 billion. However, why does such circumstance occur in spite of social protects and much emphasis on the value of human rights in our present society? There are some reasons that can account for such challenging situation.

     For one thing, there is a wide gap between the rich and the poor. Generally speaking, impoverishment and income distribution are not the main causes resulting in the human trafficking. In a country, if the condition of poverty and inequality is getting worse and worse, groups of people that are marginalized and harmed may easily be formed and created. Such groups lack of a perfect policy and mechanism to ensure their fundamental living need. For another, there exists the market demand of human trafficking. Demand and supply are just two sides of one coin. In other words, if there is no such so-called market demand on human trafficking, the problem of human trafficking will not be getting more serious. The market demands on human trafficking mainly include the want of the cheap labor force, the need of porn industry. What is more, there is obvious gender inequality in the society. The inequality of gender indicates the acquirement of unfairly treat owing to gender difference, that is, gender discrimination—usually the prejudice against females. It may cause women to obtain the unfair treat at work places, and furthermore to hinder them from attaining the wealth and rights which they deserve. In families, the females’ positions are marginalized and cannot acquire the due respect and guarantee. As a matter of fact, it is natural that these aforementioned causes of human trafficking will result in the violations against human rights, the threat to sanitary and health, and the danger to national security.

Although to solve the problem and avoid the condition of human trafficking is not easy at all, it is worth the public’s while to try it. As a result, we can take some measures as follows. First of all, the prevention and treatment of human trafficking include integral strategic system of “prevention”, “prosecution” and “protection”. With respect to prevention, we have to emphasize the enhancement of our citizens’ consciousness of human trafficking issues, to strengthen the foreign people’s understanding of their rights, to review the current policy and system for foreign labor force, and so on. Moreover, in view of investigation and prosecution, we have to put emphasis on the responsibility of each professional investigator for each special case of human trafficking, on the sentence with severe punishment and the strengthening of a horizontal connection among every organizations and institutes in a hope for all group members to try their best to use the integral prevention strategies to avoid the reoccurrence of human trafficking. As for protection, we should think highly of supplying the victims with appropriate housing, ensuring their personal security, their being free from some relevant judicial punishment and administrative punishment, and providing them with proper consultation and counsel. To sum up, only these measures are actually put into practice can we improve the present situation of human trafficking, and even in this way, I am deeply convinced that everything in our society and country will be better in the future.


