2012年3月9日 星期五

【移民特考】三、四等移民署考前整理與猜題- Part -4 時事新聞


Taiwan must accelerate improving human rights

台灣須加速改善其人權          (China Post Jul/3/2011)

Taiwan keeps its rank this year as a top-tier nation in fighting international human trafficking according to the 2011 Trafficking in Persons Report by the U.S. State Department. The report commended Taiwan's immigration and labor authorities for fully complying with standards for the elimination of trafficking by continuing to “prosecute and punish trafficking offenses, including both forced labor and forced prostitution,” and noted how the nation has sustained “strong victim protection efforts, continued to train law enforcement and other government officials, and raised public awareness on trafficking offenses.” Taiwan has also educated its people on human trafficking issues through TV and online advertisements, and helped migrant workers to better understand their rights, the report said. The International Labor Organization, Kevin and Kara say there may be 10 million to 30 million people living in slavery around the world. The U.N. estimates the total value of the human trafficking market at US$32 billion.                                                                                           



Taiwan seeks reciprocal visa-free status.


In 2009, Canada sent a special mission to Taiwan to investigate the procedure of Taiwan 's passport issuance and security measures. After confirming Taiwan 's adoption of “chip passports” was in line with the specifications stipulated by the International Civil Aviation Organization for fraud protection, in materials and recognition, and low risk of illegal immigration, Canada finally granted visa-free treatment to Taiwanese nationals.                                                      ( Taiwan insights Jul/19/2011 )

2009加拿大派出了一個特殊的使團來台灣調查國內護照簽發和安檢措施的流程。在確認台灣晶片護照 的採用規格是與國際民用航空組織對於欺詐防衛材料和識別上的規定相符一致的後,並且是低風險的非法移民國家,最終加拿大給予台灣國民免簽證的待遇。


Taiwan aiming to sign more anti-human trafficking deals


Human trafficking issues came under the spotlight in Taiwan recently after CNN reported the story of a Taiwanese woman in the United States who was allegedly a victim of human trafficking. The story, which was reported on CNN's Freedom Project in mid-November, led to a visit to the U.S. by Foreign Minister Yang to accommodate with the woman. He offered to help the woman return to Taiwan if she wished. The 30-something woman, whose real name is believed to be Ho, was reportedly sold by her impoverished parents into slavery at the age of 7 to a wealthy Taiwanese family that later moved to California . She is believed to have escaped from the family when she was in her 20s and now has her own apartment and babysits for a living.                                             ( Central News Agency中央社 Nov/30/2011 )



Taiwan to the U.S. visa-free list of candidate


In 2011, American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) 22 announced that, effective immediately, the Republic of Taiwan into the United States visa waiver program (Visa Waiver Program, VWP), US Department of Homeland Security will select a group field trip to Taiwan-related measures. ROC Foreign Minister Yang Jin-Tian said that Taiwan has made the United States visa-free tickets, "conservative" assessment of the second half of next year, the people of Taiwan to the United States do not have to spend time on a visa application.                                                              (Allvoices Dec/25/2011 )



Japan police acknowledge mistakes in Chang arrest


Japanese police yesterday admitted mistakes had occurred during the arrest of Chang and expressed regret for his death while in police custody. Chang had been apprehended by police, and brought by car to a police station for questioning about the murder of L and C, who were found stabbed to death in a language school dormitory. The police said Chang committed suicide by slashing his own throat with a 21cm knife, which had been concealed in his pants, while he was sitting in a police car with officers next to him, contradicting earlier reports that he had committed suicide after getting out of the car. The police added that they did not handcuff Chang because he did not resemble the photograph on his wanted notice. However, Chang confirmed his identity when he was questioned in Mandarin, the police said.          ( Taipei Times Jan/11/2012)

日本警方昨天承認對於在逮捕張嫌過程犯下錯誤,並表示對他在警方拘留期間自殺表示遺憾。張在被警方逮捕後以警車送往分局詢問關於被發現在語言學校宿舍殺身亡的LC女子謀殺案件。警方表示,張嫌將一把21公分 長的刀子預在褲子裡,當身旁員警在警車內時取出割喉自殺,而此說法,與早些時候警方的報告是在車外自殺的說法有所矛盾。警方也表示,他們未對張上手銬,因為他並不像通緝通知上的照片。然而,張嫌在警方以中文詢問時有證實確定其身份。


