2012年3月22日 星期四


Black’s article adopts a more
sociological approach to understanding police discretion in that the discretionary decisions of police officers are portrayed
as a function of the dynamics of police-citizen encounters
. He
discusses the impact of various structural dimensions of the situations in
which officers and citizens interact… On the basis of systematic observations
of police-citizen encounters in three major cities, Black found each of the
above factors (with the exception of suspect race) to influence officers’
decisions to make arrest. The empirical generalizations offered by Black are
strongly supported in the subsequent research that has examined the impact of
these factors on police decision-making.


以了解警察裁量權的運用情形,因為警察的自由裁量權被敘述為是一種警察與公民接觸的動態功能。他討論了執法人員和公民互動的情況下,各種結構性面向的影響 (結構構面(structural dimensions)分為正式化、專精化、標準化、權威階層、複雜性、集權化、專業化、人員比率,用來描述狀況特徵,可以量測並比較;脈絡面向(contextual dimensions)描述影響並塑造狀況結構構面的條件,包括此狀況其規模、環境及目標。),依在三個主要城市的警察與市民遭遇的狀況以有系統性的觀測,布萊克發現上述因素(除去犯罪嫌疑人種族此但書)會影響執法人員作出逮捕的決定。由布萊克所提出的經驗通則將為隨後的檢驗警察決策其因素之影響的研究做出強而有力的支持。

