2012年3月16日 星期五

【移民特考】移民署 英文 考題解題


101 三等移民行政 外國文(英文兼試移民專業英文)         解題:吳泰良、呂艾肯






中翻英: 15分)


1.     200451日開始,歐盟國家的國民只要申請勞工註冊方案,絕大部分皆可自由在英國工作。




As of May 1, 2004, the majority of the citizens of European Union can freely work in England as long as they apply for a worker registration project.


2.    英國護照持有人抵達臺灣時,若需在臺灣停留14天以上,有資格申請落地簽證




The visitor who holds the British passport is qualified to apply (eligible for applying) for the landing visa, if he/she needs to stay in Taiwan over (more than) 14 days.










The National Immigration Agency said Tuesday it will work with its Chinese counterpart to enhance immigration control amid the entry of free independent travelers from China to Taiwan. NIA Director-General Hsieh Li-kung, who just concluded an eight-day visit to the Ministry of Public Security (MPS) in China, said both sides agreed to coordinate their staff to improve the effectiveness of immigration law enforcement.










本段出自2011/07/19  Taiwan, China join hands to prevent Chinese tourists from going rogue此篇文章








Do you agree or disagree with the argument of the following paragraph? Write a short and well-organized essay in about 200 to 250 words to express your own argument(s) supported with relevant examples.


What we can learn from Taiwanese American NBA player Jeremy Lin is that always believe in yourself when no one else does. Lin is only the 4th graduate from Harvard to make it to the NBA. He is also one of only a handful of Asian immigrants and/or Asian Americans to make it. Before joining the Knicks this year, he had already been cut by two other NBA teams. And now he is one of the rising stars at the NBA. You have got to believe in yourself, even when no one else does.






而此題目中重點回答在於考生須表示同不意 believe in yourself”的立場。所以考生較佳的回應方式應以破題法在第一段就表示其態度,之後可稍敘述林書豪進入NBA所走紅前的遭遇對照一戰成名後的狀況。尤其是以一連串的造字活動如 Linsanity (林來瘋), Linsomnia (林失眠), Lin=Win (零輸豪)


但在這一些造字活動中可呼應出題者相信自我這主旨的就是Linderella 此造字; 此字是由Lin Cinderella的造字, 可充分表現出了即使林書豪在時運不濟時被交易出去、在場下坐冷板凳,卻仍不放棄自己、相信自己。而一但機會來臨時,盡全力表現所能,就如灰姑娘一樣讓人驚艷。




以下則為本班公職英文寫作授課教師吳泰良(博士) 呂艾肯(博士候選人)所擬之參考範文:




Definitely I do agree on the sentence in the preceding paragraph “You have got to believe in yourself, even when no one else does.” As it is, successful people are those who always believe themselves, do their best to work hard and never give up halfway. Even in the face of many difficulties and plenty of frustration, they won't flinch and get depressed.  Instead, they are always trying to overcome every impediment and remove the stumbling stones in their way.


For example, Jeremy Lin, as nicknamed Linsanity or Linderella, recently has been a successful and world-wide famous basketball player in America . He has started his basketball life in NBA since 2009. However, not until this year as he played for the Knicks in a game against the Lakers did he really get noticed by people all over the world. Before this game, he used to be ignored by his team; however, with his believing himself, he tries his best to practice more and grasps any opportunities to perform well. No matter how difficult or tough situation he may encounter, he was never discouraged and did not falter. It was through his hard effort and struggle that he finally makes it and plays outstandingly in NBA.


To sum up, anyone who wants to realize his or her dream must believe in themselves and has to keep trying to reach their goals no matter how many times they fails. I am of the opinion that the quality of determination to succeed is an important one to have. Just like a good saying that goes “Where there is a will, there is a way!” Only the one that has a will can always believe in himself or herself to make the right decision and achieve their life goals.














1 Officer: May I have your name, please? Foreigner:  


(A) You are welcome.                                       (B)No, I don’t have money.


(C) Yes, John Smith Patton. P-A-T-T-O-N.      (D)Yes, I am a police officer.






2 Officer Ma of the Border Affairs Corps, National Immigration Agency: Good morning, may I see your passport,   




  Miss Newman:


(A) Yes, you may not.              (B) I’ve never played basketball.


(C) No, I failed that class.         (D) Here you go.


  請注意!! 畫線部分與本班移民三等專業英文講義第三回國境篇36頁對話一字不漏完全相同




3 Officer: Excuse me, do you speak English?  Foreigner:


(A) At certain times.            (B) Once in a while.


(C) A little.                          (D) Little by little.






4 Officer: What is your purpose of this trip to Taiwan, Mr. Carter?


  Mr. Carter:


(A) Visit my friend. (B) I am fine, thank you.


(C) It’s my pleasure. (D) Here you are.






5 Officer: How long will you stay in Taiwan?


  Mr. Wang:


(A) Two feet long.                       (B) A couple of weeks.


(C) No, not so long as you.               (D) Yes, long time no see.






6 Officer: What is your occupation?




(A) I am from Taiwan.    (B) She is my girl friend.


(C) Yes, I do.            (D) I am an English teacher at Grand English Tutor Center.






7 Robert: Have you ever been a victim of crime?




(A) I had my bike stolen once, but that’s about it.


(B) You are welcome.


(C) Yes, I have killed a dog.


(D) How do you do?


  請注意!! 畫線部分與本班警察三等專業英文講義第一回行政篇5頁對話一字不漏完全相同




8 At the security check point, ___________ can detect luggage that contains dangerous items.


(A) speed gun radar          (B) robot


(C) helicopter           (D) X-ray machine






9 Sharp objects and flammable items are _____________ on the aircraft.


(A) exhausted              (B) promoted


(C) fascinated           (D) prohibited






10 After the 911 terrorist attacks in America, the homeland security studies have been ___________.


(A) initiated     (B) passed


(C) failed          (D) flattered


答案出現於本班移民四等專業英文講義第警用英文閱讀Morale and Tasks of Police Administration (警政士氣與職責)






11 ______________ is the crime of deceiving people in order to gain something such as money or goods.


(A) Piracy                 (B) Murder


(C) Larceny              (D)Fraud






12 W: I just got off the phone with the travel agent. She needs to know what cities we are going to stop in.


M: Well, how about Paris, Rome, Stockholm and Amsterdam?


W: Gee, we only have three weeks. Don’t you think that’s a lot to see? How about just Rome, Stockholm and Amsterdam?


M: I really want to see Eiffel Tower. Let’s skip Stockholm.  Skip 跳過


W: OK then. I’ll call her right back. We will have to brush up on our French.


Q: Which of the four cities are they not going to visit?


(A) Paris.             (B) Rome.


(C)Stockholm. (D) Amsterdam.




13 Officer: Can I see your driver’s license and registration, please?


  Driver: Certainly. What’s the problem, officer?


  Officer: According to our speed gun radar, the problem is that you were traveling at a speed of 65 kilometers per hour in a 50 KPH zone.


  Driver: Are you sure? I’ve heard those guns can be ______________?


(A) inaccurate             (B) inconvenient


(C) inarticulate             (D) inelegant


  請注意!! 畫線部分與本班警察三等專業英文講義第七回交通篇66頁對話一字不漏完全相同




14 Mike: Where should we go for our trip this year?


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