2014年12月4日 星期四

【警察英文】警察特考-警察專業英文 Situation Judgement (情境狀況判斷)







權威 - 呂艾肯老師 英文教室 


王得利has just arrested an elderly woman for criminal trespass after she refused to leave the premises of a government office. Out of respect for her age and potential for discomfort, Officer 王得利elected not to place her in handcuffs prior to transporting her to the station for booking. What would this be considered?



(A)   Good policy, because under the circumstances, Officer 王得利 has full control of the situation.


(B)   Good policy, because it demonstrates that police do care about the public, including those placed under arrest.


(C)   Bad policy, because Officer 王得利 is subject to a greater potential risk of being assaulted.


(D)   Bad policy, because Officer 王得利 would appear too soft or lacking authority in the way he handled the incident.



(a) 好的做法,因為在這種情況下,王官得完全控制住局面。

(b) 好的做法,因為它表明,警方真的在乎大眾,也包括那些被逮捕安置的人。

(c) 錯誤的做法,因為王官會有更大的被襲擊潛在風險。

(d) 錯誤的做法,這樣處理此事件的方式顯示王官的鬆懈軟弱或缺少公權力。

Ans: C. When suspects are handcuffed, the officer is protected from being assaulted and the suspect is deterred from escaping. This hold true for all person arrested, including little old ladies.


While on patrol, officier 賴紫瑜 receives a call to investigate an indecent exposure incident at a nearby residence. Upon her arrival, she sees a middle-aged man in an overcoat standing in the driveway. What is the best course of action at this point in time?


(A) Draw her weapon and shoot the individual because he is a sexual psychopath who is a threat to the public.


(B) Ascertain from the complainant if the individual standing in the drive is the person who committed indecent exposure.


(C) Immediately place the man in the overcoat under custody.


(D) Explain to the complainant that people who commit indecent exposure are harmless and will usually leave if they are ignored.









Before taking any action, an officer needs to collect as much information as he or she can. Only after that has occurred, can he or she take appropriate steps to alleviate the problem. Both Selection A and C automatically assume that the man standing in the driveway is the suspect in question. It could turn out that this individual was just a curious neighbor or an innocent bystander. Choice B would confirm or deny the identity of the man. Choice D is obviously wrong because indecent exposure is a crime and should be treated as such by law enforcement officers.



此題可以看到in-decent exposure此專有名詞不當裸露,  decent意指高雅得體前面加個in 否定代表行為不當, exposure  ex代表out, ""擺個pose向外給人看...就是"暴露曝光揭發接觸"



Attaining sexual pleasure through sexual activity with prepubescent children is called __________.   


(A) voyeurism     (B) paraphilia              (C) pedophilia             (D) exhibitionism



正確答案(C) 選項的pedo-代表兒童pedeped代表腳只差一個字, pedology 代表兒童加ology學科即兒童學另外philia代表"".....愛兒童戀童癖

 裡面的(D)選項 暴露狂  Exhibitionism is the act of exposing in a public or semi-public context those parts of one's body that are not normally exposed.   露露狂是在公共或半公開環境下某人暴露其身體一般不會露出某部位的行為。也請同學記得, exhibit, ex代表外(out) 為展覽之意

另外對於柯p市長要裁掉台北市派出所的建議, 感謝同學分享了這篇觀點~~




