2012年6月10日 星期日



徐偉圓夢諮詢中心                                   呂艾肯 吳泰良老師 


Mary was under arrest on __________ of attempted murder(

negligent manslaughter(過失殺人)/aggravated assault(重傷害)/human trafficking(人口販運) /smuggling(走私)/identity theft(身分竊用)/rape(性侵害)/arson(縱火罪)/kidnapping(綁架). 

   (A) suspect   (B)
suspicion   (C)
commit         (D) detent


2. Officer Li is asking John to step out of his car
to do a ______ test

  (A) air breathing  (B) air
blowing  (C) inhale and exhale  (D) breathalyzer


3. Two police officers from the Traffic Police
交通大隊) were
doing ____

    enforcement after 10 p.m.

  (A) patent   (B) administration  (C)
(D) hit and run

  : drunk(impaired) driving/DUI(Driving Under the Influence)/DWI(Driving While


4. Fellows
believes that he’s paid the price for his crime, but shows little regret that he

    once smuggled drugs that ruined the
lives of countless people.

  Question: What does Fellows feel now?                                         

Gratitude to the inmates at the prison.

(B) He believes that he hasn’t paid for his crime.

That he was wrongly convicted.                     

(D) He wasn’t sorry for ruining countless lives. 


5. The government
made some ____ in its investment in this vast project.

  (A) penalties   (B) cutbacks  (C) robbery 
(D) burglary


6. That's
not Mr. Smith's signature on the check; it's a ______.
Someone forged his


  (A) domestic violence(家暴) (B)
商店內偷竊)  (C) forgery(偽造)  (D) larceny (偷竊)


7. The
suspect has the right to a(n) _________.

  (A) prosecutor   (B) warning         (C) attorney   (D) detective


8. A ____ test has to be done to eliminate any
suspicion of drug abuse

  (A) urban   (B) unit        (C)
unite        (D) urine


9. Do
not hesitate to use the _________ around the corner in case of fire.

 (B) injured   (C)   elimination    (D)       


10. Many companies ________
e-mails sent out by their employees. Is it OK for employers to check on their
employees like this?

(A)  suspend (B) monitor (C) supervise (D) advise


11. For green Card holders, please
show your plane ticket as well as your Alien Resident
(外僑居留證) when checking in
at the ticket counter.

  (A) Certificate    (B) Certification       (C)
    (D) Visa


12. The United Nations made an _______ for help from all over the world after


(A)  approach
(B) appeal (C) approval (D) apology


13. The
courts ordered the ______ of the criminal’s

prosecution (C)
(D) seizure   


14. In
order to prevent casualties, all the residents in the village were ________ before

    the typhoon.

(A) compelled (B) removed (C)  isolated (D) evacuated


15. If you persist in ______ the law, you will go to prison.

   (A) obeying   (B) collecting   (C) breaking       (D) holding  


16. In
a video posted online, Officer Luo, who allowed some tourists to handle his

      firearm, was also seen loading and unloading the      in front of the curious tourists.

(A) pistol   (B) cartridge  (C) handcuffs   (D) bullet-proof vest     


17. He
moved to the countryside as soon as he retired. However, he found himself

to _____
to country life because it was
not so convenient as living in the city.

(A) apply (B) adjust
(C) appeal (D) amount


18. A
convenience store’s ________ tape enabled the police to catch the robber in an


(A) superstition   (B)     surveillance  (C) suspicious    (D) siren


19. A
driver should always have his/her driver’s license and vehicle _________ when

      is driving.

(A) identification     (B) permission            (C) registration              (D) household


20. Central
Disasters Response Center dispatched dire fighters to rescue people trapped in ______
areas during the typhoon season.

(A) drought                        (B) flooded                     (C)
drizzle              (D) desert


21. The
injured in the air crash were taken to the hospital by _________.

(A) amputation               (B) antennae                   (C) ambition           (D) ambulances


22. I’d
like to report a burglary because my house was _________

(A) broken up         (B)
burned down               (C) broken
into      (D) hacked in


23. His
parents died when he was very young, so his uncle _____ him.

(A) adapted    (B) attached     (C) adept      (D) adopted


24. A _________
is someone who is thought to commit a crime.

(A) suspect                (B) sponsor                     (C) suspicion          (D) supervisor


25. _______ the objections
of the White House, the Senate voted today to
cut off aid to


(A) However
 (B) Therefore   (C) Despite/In
spite of


26. Please
write down your ___________, I’ll
draw a map for you.

(A) straight         (B) destination             (C) pedestrian         (D)


27. The four major missions
of the police are to act based on law to _________ public order, protect social
safety, prevent dangers of all kinds, and facilitate the well-being of the

(A) amuse           (B) maintain                 (C) access      (D) admit


28. The
burglars are under arrest, ___________ the stolen items are found.

(A) however             (B) meanwhile             (C) worthwhile               (D) according to


29. Those gangsters have been ___________ to the Prosecutor’s Office last

(A) specified               (B) phishing                 (C) delivered          (D) recalled


30. You
should watch out for the date since your visa will be _______ next week.

(A) expired         (B) extracted                (C)
excluded           (D) exposure


31. I
am not too worried about the matter since he can ______ it for me.

(A) turn off         (B) cope with               (C) lay off               (D)
count on


32. Any police
officer who _____ a building without warrant will be regarded as improper law

(A) perpetrator         (B) assaults
         (C) apprehends               (D) trespasses

A city ____ was held yesterday to discuss the budget next year.

(A) council            (B)
     (C) consult          (D) console


34. The
commander informed the police that they must _________ sobriety checkpoints


(A) carry out            (B) carry on                 (C)
hang on             (D) take up


35. The
police extracted the confession by the means of cross and segregated ________.

(A) interpretation    
(B) intersection            (C) interrogation            (D) interruption


36. The
police prepare some ______ in front of the square in order to prevent the

      situation going out of control.  

(A) barns      (B) barren                   (C)
barricades         (D) bargains


37. The coroner disclosed the significant
information of MJ’s death after the _______.

(A) autopsy         (B)
authentic           (C)
authority      (D) application    


38. Groups of female
extremely ______b_____ against
this discriminating policy.

(A) reluctant           (B) protest             (C)
reckless       (D)


39. According to the
new tax laws, your tax will increase __________ your income. The more money you
make, the higher your tax is going to be.

(A)  in contrast to (B) in proportion to  (C) in spite of   (D) in violation of


40. I will
attend Mr. Wang’s wedding ________ my father, who has gone to Hong Kong on

(A) on behalf of     (B) in terms of    (C) at the mercy of   (D) by means of


The _________ you work, the _________ you will succeed.                         

harder, more possible        (B) harder,
more possibly

(C) hard, more
possibly           (D) hard, possible

句型 : ~, ~ =>The +比較級,

原句:    You work
hard, and you will succeed possibly.

比較級:  You work
harder, and you will succeed more possibly


42. The total number of the staff is ______
larger in our company than that in


     (A) more  (B) very  (C) much
 (D) most   
只有 much, a lot, still, even, far, by far,....等可修飾比較級


The children could not help but ________ when
the clown stepped on the stage.

(A) giggle  (B) giggling  (C) to giggle  (D) giggled                         

句型: cannot
help+ Ving  / cannot help but + VR 

