2012年4月19日 星期四


Carl Klockars(1984) has described police control
as having four major elements: authority, power, persuasion, and force. Authority
is the unquestionable entitlement to be obeyed. Power is held by the
organization, is drawn upon by the individual officer and implies that if there
is resistance, it will be defeated. Persuasion involves the use of symbols,
words, and arguments to convince the individual that he or she ought to comply
with the rules. Force involves something very different from the other elements
of control: physical control.



Democracy does not guarantee that the judgment of
public officials , such as the police,

will uniformly replicate those of the
public.  The power is delegated and must

exercised according to the judgment of the individuals to whom it is

However, the public has a
right to spell out the criteria by which the judgments should

be made, and to
insist on both competence and good faith in the application of those





A society is held together by force and constraintthat values are ruling rather than

enforced rather than accepted, at any given point in time. Although other

institutional means exist to establish officially sets of values and rules,
they mean little

without some method of enforcement. To enforce the rules, we
have created the social

institution of police and authorized it to use physical
force, and are the only ones that

have a legitimate right to do so. in a sense,
the government must use organized coercion

to prevent private coercion

社會是由武力和約束一起撐起... 在任何特定的時間點此價值在於管理統治,而非共有,強制,而非接受。儘管其他機構性的方法存在是要正式地建立一套價值觀和規則,但沒有一些執行的方法這一套價值觀和規則是沒什麼意義。為了要執行法規,我們創造了警方這樣的社會機構,並授權其使用武力,並且是唯一有合法權利可這樣做的社會機構。就某種意義而言,政府必須行使有組織系統的強制力,以防止私人性的脅迫。

