2014年10月31日 星期五

【警大考試】警大研究所 警察專業英文 Man faces charge after burglar dies in home invasion

權威 - 呂艾肯老師 英文教室

導讀: 這篇文章主要是與防衛過當與過失殺人或是正當防衛之間的攻防戰 再比較警方壓制或槍械使用的裁量權觀念希望能對同學有所幫助~ Go!


  A Marine Corps veteran has been charged with _____ homicide after he allegedly strangled a burglar to death. He claimed an act was purely out of self-defense to protect his pregnant    


 (A) manslaughter    (B) voluntary       Cprovocation     D negligent


    The hired killer _________ the gambler with a piece of rope.

   (A) stuttered      (B) stammered           (C) smuggled         (D) strangled


Man strangled to death after attempting to rob home of former marine


A thief in Taipei was strangled to death when a former member of Taiwan's marine corps found him hiding in his house.



Surveillance footage shows that the intruder, surnamed Chang, had managed to enter the apartment through the front door with a key. While digging through some trinkets, he heard the homeowners, a husband and wife, enter.



When the husband walked in, Chang attacked. Unlucky for him, the husband was a former marine, who fought back by pinning the intruder on the floor in a chokehold.




Man faces charge after burglar dies in home invasion


A Marine Corps veteran has been charged with negligent homicide after he allegedly strangled a burglar to death in his home on Saturday night, an act he said was purely out of self-defense to protect his pregnant wife.


According to police investigations, 47-year-old Chang, who has a criminal record for drug abuse, allegedly broke into a condominium behind the Taipei Veterans General Hospital and stole jewelry and other valuables worth about NT$40,000.


The owner of the condo, Ho, who installs and repairs air-conditioning equipment for a living, found Chang hiding in the bathroom after returning home with his pregnant wife.


Utilizing combat skills learned during his time in the military, Ho allegedly pinned Chang to the floor after a two-minute fight, and pressed both hands upon the burglar’s face and throat until police arrived.


Chang was unconscious when police arrived at the scene and was pronounced dead after being taken to hospital. Visible signs of strangling were found on his throat, police said.


Ho was released on NT$50,000 bail on Sunday evening after police decided that the incident was primarily a case of self-defense. He is awaiting further inquiries from the court.


Commenting on the case, attorney Lin said since Ho committed the act in consideration of the safety of his pregnant wife, as well as his own security, there is a good chance that he could receive a sentence of probation.


“Acts of negligent homicide committed through defense of one’s property can lead to a prison sentence of up to two years,” Lin said, adding that cases that involve human lives often lead to public prosecution.


Individuals involved often receive deferred prosecution from judges, on the condition that they reach a court settlement with the victim’s family, thus exempting them from further charges.


When police arrived, they found Chang still alive but barely breathing. He was declared brain dead upon arrival to the hospital, and was eventually taken off life support.



The husband claimed that he didn't mean to kill the intruder and was only acting in self-defense to protect his wife, who was eight months pregnant. He was arrested on charges of manslaughter and could face a max penalty of two years if convicted.



*來~來~來~請教各位同學謀殺與過失殺人的差別~這是否與墮胎跟流產不一樣的本質呢? 有趣瞜~~



2014年10月5日 星期日










2014年10月3日 星期五

【警大考試】 警大研究所英文 Response to We the People Petition on the Protests in Hong Kong 香港抗議事件請願之回應




Response to We the People Petition on the Protests in Hong Kong


We are watching the situation in Hong Kong closely. Around the world, the United States supports internationally recognized fundamental freedoms, such as freedom of peaceful assembly and freedom of expression. We urge the Hong Kong authorities to exercise restraint, and for protestors to express their views peacefully.



The United States supports universal suffrage in Hong Kong in accordance with the Basic Law and we support the aspirations of the Hong Kong people. We believe that an open society, with the highest possible degree of autonomy and governed by the rule of law, is essential for Hong Kong’s stability and prosperity -- indeed this is what has made Hong Kong such a successful and truly global city. We have consistently made our position known to Beijing, and we will continue to do so.



We believe that the legitimacy of the Chief Executive will be greatly enhanced if the Basic Law's ultimate aim of selection of the Chief Executive by universal suffrage is fulfilled and if the election provides the people of Hong Kong a genuine choice of candidates representative of the voters' will.










美國贊成香港依按照基本法進行普選,並支持香港人民對於普選的渴望。我們相信,一個高度自治依法行政的開放社會,對於香港的穩定繁榮至關重要 - 這的確是使香港成為成功,真正的全球都市的要素。我們始終堅持北京當局理解的立場,而且也將繼續這樣做。











*  assembly (n.) 集會; 處於聚集的狀態; 組裝

*  restraint (n.) 限制

*  universal suffrage (n. ph.)普選

這張圖有趣的地方在於成就表上列出男女兩性的成就。左邊是男性的成就,例如發現美洲大陸登陸月球抑或因在戰場解救他人而死。但右邊女性根本不需多說,只列一個所有人都是從他們肚子裡蹦出來的。這裏要注意man在英文有時當男人有時當人類。早期父權社會認為只有男人算人所以只要是人類都是man。如果各位對魔戒裡的戒靈王說“NO MAN CAN KILL ME” 沒有人可以殺得了我,結果被伊欧文“I`M NO MAN" "我不是男的"這回答給氣死而被幹掉,就是在開這個梗的玩笑


*  rule of law= rule by law: 依法行政

*  legitimacy: legality 合法性




Thousands of pro-democracy protesters paralysed parts of Hong Kong's central business

district on Sunday, as police in riot gear attempted to disperse them with teargas and

pepper _________.

(A) spice         (B) spill        (C) sprinkle       (D) foam        (E) spray



1. pro- 擁護;贊成     2 paralyze 癱瘓   3. riot gear 鎮暴裝備   4. disperse 驅散








Police have clashed with protestors demanding construction on Taiwan’s fourth nuclear plant be

stopped. Police used water ________ early on  Monday to disperse thousands of demonstrators

blocking a main route in Taiwan’s capital, Taipei.

(A) borough     (B) bullets                        (C) cannon               (D) batons





(A) 自治區(B) 子彈(C) 大砲(D) 警棍


警察英文 呂艾肯老師