2012年5月28日 星期一

101學年度警察大學學士班二年制技術系入學考試試題解題 I

徐偉圓夢諮詢中心             呂艾肯 吳泰良老師       101年 警大2技 英文詳解


一、字彙:請根據題意,選擇一個最適當的答案 ( 50)

1. Freeze. You are under _____. Put down your weapon.

(A) catch (B) arrest (C) watch (D) control (E) exposure

101學年度警察大學學士班二年制技術系考前猜題重要例句第四句Mary was under arrest on suspicion of…

2. Officer Li is asking John to step out of his car to do a ______ test.

(A) air breathing (B) air blowing (C) breathing (D) breathtaking (E) breathalyzer

101學年度警察大學學士班二年制技術系考前猜題警察科技英文breathalyzer test酒測

3. _____ means driving a car after consuming too much alcohol.

(A) Collision (B) Hit and run (C) Speeding (D) Towing (E) Drunk driving

101學年度警察大學學士班二年制技術系考前猜題警察科技英文drunk driving/DUI/DWI酒駕

4. A team from Da-an precinct was assigned to conduct a police _____ at a night club.

(A) raid (B) freeze (C) run down (D) runway (E) report

101學年度警察大學學士班二年制技術系考前猜題警政管理英文raid 臨檢

5. You are ____ for speeding in a school zone.

(A) stop (B) ticketed (C) controlled (D) videotaping (E) signed

※詳本中心警察三等特考講義第12頁本中心警察三等特考講義第65 Speeding ticket…

6. Two police officers from the Traffic Police Corps were doing ____ enforcement after 10pm.

(A) pull through (B) passing away (C) committing (D) over (E) DUI

101學年度警察大學學士班二年制技術系考前猜題警察科技英文drunk driving/DUI/DWI酒駕

7. The Aviation Police are ____ security examination at local airports around Taiwan.

(A) responsible for (B) charged with (C) focused (D) organized (E) forbidden

※詳本中心警察三等特考講義第101 The Aviation Police of National Police Agency are responsible for safeguarding…..

8. ____ is a crime punishable by a fine or imprisonment for less than one year.

(A) Felony (B) Homicide (C) Armed robbery (D) Sales of heroine (E) Misdemeanor

※詳本中心警察三等特考講義第128 Misdemeanor is a lesser criminal charge than felony….

9. Drug traffickers often sell amphetamines in _____ chat rooms.

(A) recruit (B) remorse (C) restricted access (D) regret (E) repair

※詳本中心警察三等特考講義第14Although who has access to the system varies from…

10. Victims of sex trafficking are often found on streets or working in ____.

(A) brothels (B) headquarters (C) underhand (D) deserts (E) department stores

※詳本中心警察三等特考講義第14 Victims of sex trafficking are often found …sex acts, i. e., brothels, strip clubs

11. John was given a citation for _____ parking on Holly Street.

(A) authorized(B) illegal (C) lawful (D) violent (E) legitimate

※詳本中心警察三等特考講義第31How does it prevent illegal eavesdropping?

12. Tom needs to ____ his innocence by collecting more evidence.

(A) proof(B) confess (C) realize (D) prove (E) know

101學年度警察大學學士班二年制技術系考前猜題重要例句第九句 : prove動詞

13. After 9-11, the US government is doing everything possible to ____ terrorism.

(A) decide(B) fight (C) forge (D) focus (E) deal

考動詞 選項E deal with

14. The Command Center has ____ Officer Chen that there’s a traffic accident.

(A) pointed(B) involved (C) notified (D) reported (E) said

※詳本中心警察三等特考講義第42 the case will immediately notify the…..

15. A ____ test has to be done to eliminate any suspicion of drug abuse.

(A) urban(B) unit (C) unite (D) urinate (E) urine

※詳本中心警察三等特考講義第129 A urine test cleared Mr. Wang of the suspicion of drug abuse.

16. I want to report a(n) ____. Someone beat me because I accidentally bumped into him.

(A) accident(B) action (C) crash (D) assault (E) violence

101學年度警察大學學士班二年制技術系考前猜題重要例句第七句aggravated assault 重傷害

17. ____ is holding somebody against his or her will and asking ransom for a victim’s release.

(A) Robbery (B) Burglary (C) Domestic violence (D) Kidnapping (E) Rape

101學年度警察大學學士班二年制技術系考前猜題重要例句第五句kidnapped. Someone called…if the ransom

18. The police are checking to see if you are a reported ____ person.

(A) to miss(B) miss (C) missed (D) missing (E) misses

考過去分詞或動名詞被動主動區分 missing person失蹤人口用主動即可

19. Teachers held a ____ about their unfair teaching environment.

(A) seat(B) sit-across (C) sit-up (D) sit-tight (E) sit-in

考片語 sit-in靜坐抗議

20. The judge needs to find out the suspect’s ____ for this murder case.

(A) creative(B) motive (C) concern (D) pressure (E) promotion

※詳本中心警察三等特考講義第111 create measures that motivate out employees… motive=motivation

21. DWI stands for driving while ______.

(A) influence(B) injured (C) intoxicated (D) importing (E) insured

※詳本中心警察三等特考講義第65 drunk driving; driving while intoxicated (DWI) impaired driving…

22. The judge gave Mary a life _____ because she had killed her parents purposely.

(A) sentence (B) judgment (C) rehab (D) execution (E) trial

101學年度警察大學學士班二年制技術系考前猜題重要例句第十一句He was sentenced to life imprisonment

23. To legally search one’s home, the police must have a search _____.

(A) ID(B) note (C) order (D) warrant (E) ticket


24. John’s bike was stolen. He went to the police station to see if there was a ______ camera in operation at the time.

(A) transmit (B) remember (C) surveillance (D) receive (E) decorate

101學年度警察大學學士班二年制技術系考前猜題警察相關英文 surveillance record監視紀錄

25. Frisk is ______ a person’s outer clothing to see if the suspect has a weapon.

(A) patting down (B) sliding (C) seizing (D) detaining (E) grabbing

101學年度警察大學學士班二年制技術系考前猜題重要例句第一句 Frisk is the pat-down of a person’s outer clothing…

二、會話:請根據題意,選擇一個最適當的答案 ( 10)

26. Detective Chang: How may I help you?

Susan: I’d like to report _________.

(A) a burglary because my house was broken with

(B) a kidnapping because my bag was stolen

(C) a shoplifting because my bike was lost in

(D) a robbery because my purse was taken from me

(E) a murder because my son was missing out

101學年度警察大學學士班二年制技術系考前猜題重要例句第七句: Residential burglary=break into入室竊盜 Car theft 汽車竊盜 Pickpocket 扒手 aggravated assault 重傷害 armed robbery 持槍搶劫 Arson 縱火犯

27. Police: Do you remember _____?

Mary: She was wearing a black T-shirt and a pair of jeans.

(A) the suspect wear what (B) the suspect look like

(C) what the suspect was wearing (D) wore the suspect what

(E) the suspect dresses


28. Police: Do you remember the _____ of your car?

John: Oh, let me see. It’s a Cadillac.

(A) color (B) make (C) year (D) plate number (E) engine

此處make 為名詞做廠牌

29. Police: Good morning. I am Officer Li. _________?

George: I want to report a theft. I can’t find my car.

(A) Is there anything I can help you with (B) Can I call 119 for you

(C) This is Central Police Station (D) Where did you park your car (E) Can I make a statement


30. Police: Please show me your driver’s license and vehicle registration.

Driver: ______.

(A) Here I am (B) Thank you (C) Here you go (D) I know (E) Show me your cuffs

※詳本中心警察三等特考講義第13 Police: Please show me your vehicle registration. Suspect: Here you are/go.

