2012年5月28日 星期一

101學年度警察大學學士班二年制技術系入學考試試題解題 II

徐偉圓夢諮詢中心     呂艾肯 吳泰良老師   101學年 警察大學 二技 英文詳解


三、綜合測驗(克漏及閱讀測驗):請根據題意,選擇一個最適當的答案 ( 40)

A Taipei police officer has been 31 for allowing some tourists to handle his firearm earlier in the week. The officer 32 Luo received demerits for 33 firearm regulations. Although he claimed that it was a friendly, diplomatic gesture, the station’s deputy director noted that “this kind of situation cannot be 34 .” Officer Luo allowed a group of foreign visitors to play with his gun, while he was working at an intersection near the Martyrs’ Shrine, a popular Taipei tourist 35 . In a video posted online, Officer Luo was also seen loading and unloading the 36 in front of the curious tourists. (excerpted from Chinapost online, 2012)

31. (A) yield (B) punished (C) destroyed (D) surrendered (E) hit

※詳本中心警察三等特考講義第129 red-handed are rarely punished

32. (A) surnamed (B) nicknamed (C) first named (D) given named (E) maiden named

※詳本中心警察三等特考講義第84Please write down your surname and given name here and DOB there.

33. (A) helping (B) collecting (C) breaking (D) holding (E) obeying

※詳本中心警察三等特考講義第137If you persist in breaking the law…

34. (A) forgotten (B) forbidden (C) forgone (D) forfeited (E) forgiven

35. (A) guide (B) map (C) drive (D) site (E) house

36. (A) pistol (B) cartridge (C) cuffs (D) vast (E) baton

cartridge 子彈匣= magazine 彈匣/雜誌

37. According to the passage, what is the central message?

(A) It was not appropriate behavior to let the tourists play with the officer’s gun.

(B) The station’s deputy director noted that handing the gun to the tourists was a friendly gesture.

(C) The station’s deputy director didn’t think it was an improper action.

(D) Officer Luo got a prize.

(E) Officer Luo got a promotion.

38. What does “demerit” mean?

(A) promotion (B) prize (C) strength (D) punishment (E) bonus

39. What is the best title for this passage?

(A)Forbidden treatment among officers (B) How to make a friendly, diplomatic gesture

(C) Police punish officer for letting tourists handle gun

(D) Martyrs’ Shrine – most popular tourist attraction in Taipei (E) Police officer’s real story


When people go online they are 40 when it comes to personal information. Most share information that they would never give someone they met casually 41 . Many chatting programs and Internet Service Providers ask you to 42 a profile about yourself. What most people don’t know is that this information is frequently 43 to anyone who wants to see it online. There are ways to 44 yourself online:

Whenever you complete any form online, check to see what the site’s privacy policy is.

Don’t include pictures of yourself or post your personal information on your website.

Use a free web-based e-mail account such as Hotmail when writing to strangers.

Use a genderless, non-provocative screen name.

Chat with people you know.

And remember that the moment you get into a chat room with people you don’t know, be careful. Keep in mind these are 45 you’re talking to. They may sound friendly, but anyone can be anything they want online. (excerpted from English for Police by Higher Education Press, 2001)


40. (A) smart (B) fragile (C) strong (D) guilty (E) naive

41. (A) cross lines (B) between lines (C) in-line (D) off-line (E) on-line

42. (A) imagine (B) store (C) fill out (D) indicate (E) search

fill infill out差別在於fill in 並不知道該填寫答案如考試該填入什麼答案 fill out則是知道該填什麼如填表格中的姓名, 性別

43. (A) unable (B) invisible (C) casted (D) talk (E) available

44. (A) protect (B) reveal (C) showoff (D) identify (E) browse

45. (A) family(B) strangers (C) co-worker (D) staff (E) agency

46. According to the text, most people ______.

(A) are aware of the vulnerability when they go online

(B) don’t know they can be easily tracked by others online

(C) take various safety measure when they chat online

(D) are eager to share their personal information with others online

(E) surf online with a Hotmail account

47. Others can easily find out who you are by _____.

(A) the information you provide online (B) writing e-mail to you

(C) chatting with you on the phone (D) locating who your neighbors are

(E) getting to know you on the street

48. One of the measures the text suggests to guard against dangerous online actions is ________.

(A) not to go online at all

(B) to chat with someone who you don’t know online

(C) never to give out your personal information to any ISP (Internet Service Providers)

(D) not to surf with your real name

(E) to provide your information whenever and whatever you want online

49. What is the best title for this article?

(A) Online Vulnerable People

(B) Online Conviction By Strangers

(C) Handling Online Problems

(D) Technology Crimes and You

(E) Protect Yourself Online

50. Which of the following is mentioned as one of the safety measures for chatting online?

(A) Chat with friendly strangers.(B) Share your information only with persons who sound friendly.

(C) Chat with people you already know. (D) Chat with unknown or unfamiliar people.

(E) Set up a secret code with strangers.

101學年度警察大學學士班二年制技術系入學考試試題解題 I

徐偉圓夢諮詢中心             呂艾肯 吳泰良老師       101年 警大2技 英文詳解


一、字彙:請根據題意,選擇一個最適當的答案 ( 50)

1. Freeze. You are under _____. Put down your weapon.

(A) catch (B) arrest (C) watch (D) control (E) exposure

101學年度警察大學學士班二年制技術系考前猜題重要例句第四句Mary was under arrest on suspicion of…

2. Officer Li is asking John to step out of his car to do a ______ test.

(A) air breathing (B) air blowing (C) breathing (D) breathtaking (E) breathalyzer

101學年度警察大學學士班二年制技術系考前猜題警察科技英文breathalyzer test酒測

3. _____ means driving a car after consuming too much alcohol.

(A) Collision (B) Hit and run (C) Speeding (D) Towing (E) Drunk driving

101學年度警察大學學士班二年制技術系考前猜題警察科技英文drunk driving/DUI/DWI酒駕

4. A team from Da-an precinct was assigned to conduct a police _____ at a night club.

(A) raid (B) freeze (C) run down (D) runway (E) report

101學年度警察大學學士班二年制技術系考前猜題警政管理英文raid 臨檢

5. You are ____ for speeding in a school zone.

(A) stop (B) ticketed (C) controlled (D) videotaping (E) signed

※詳本中心警察三等特考講義第12頁本中心警察三等特考講義第65 Speeding ticket…

6. Two police officers from the Traffic Police Corps were doing ____ enforcement after 10pm.

(A) pull through (B) passing away (C) committing (D) over (E) DUI

101學年度警察大學學士班二年制技術系考前猜題警察科技英文drunk driving/DUI/DWI酒駕

7. The Aviation Police are ____ security examination at local airports around Taiwan.

(A) responsible for (B) charged with (C) focused (D) organized (E) forbidden

※詳本中心警察三等特考講義第101 The Aviation Police of National Police Agency are responsible for safeguarding…..

8. ____ is a crime punishable by a fine or imprisonment for less than one year.

(A) Felony (B) Homicide (C) Armed robbery (D) Sales of heroine (E) Misdemeanor

※詳本中心警察三等特考講義第128 Misdemeanor is a lesser criminal charge than felony….

9. Drug traffickers often sell amphetamines in _____ chat rooms.

(A) recruit (B) remorse (C) restricted access (D) regret (E) repair

※詳本中心警察三等特考講義第14Although who has access to the system varies from…

10. Victims of sex trafficking are often found on streets or working in ____.

(A) brothels (B) headquarters (C) underhand (D) deserts (E) department stores

※詳本中心警察三等特考講義第14 Victims of sex trafficking are often found …sex acts, i. e., brothels, strip clubs

11. John was given a citation for _____ parking on Holly Street.

(A) authorized(B) illegal (C) lawful (D) violent (E) legitimate

※詳本中心警察三等特考講義第31How does it prevent illegal eavesdropping?

12. Tom needs to ____ his innocence by collecting more evidence.

(A) proof(B) confess (C) realize (D) prove (E) know

101學年度警察大學學士班二年制技術系考前猜題重要例句第九句 : prove動詞

13. After 9-11, the US government is doing everything possible to ____ terrorism.

(A) decide(B) fight (C) forge (D) focus (E) deal

考動詞 選項E deal with

14. The Command Center has ____ Officer Chen that there’s a traffic accident.

(A) pointed(B) involved (C) notified (D) reported (E) said

※詳本中心警察三等特考講義第42 the case will immediately notify the…..

15. A ____ test has to be done to eliminate any suspicion of drug abuse.

(A) urban(B) unit (C) unite (D) urinate (E) urine

※詳本中心警察三等特考講義第129 A urine test cleared Mr. Wang of the suspicion of drug abuse.

16. I want to report a(n) ____. Someone beat me because I accidentally bumped into him.

(A) accident(B) action (C) crash (D) assault (E) violence

101學年度警察大學學士班二年制技術系考前猜題重要例句第七句aggravated assault 重傷害

17. ____ is holding somebody against his or her will and asking ransom for a victim’s release.

(A) Robbery (B) Burglary (C) Domestic violence (D) Kidnapping (E) Rape

101學年度警察大學學士班二年制技術系考前猜題重要例句第五句kidnapped. Someone called…if the ransom

18. The police are checking to see if you are a reported ____ person.

(A) to miss(B) miss (C) missed (D) missing (E) misses

考過去分詞或動名詞被動主動區分 missing person失蹤人口用主動即可

19. Teachers held a ____ about their unfair teaching environment.

(A) seat(B) sit-across (C) sit-up (D) sit-tight (E) sit-in

考片語 sit-in靜坐抗議

20. The judge needs to find out the suspect’s ____ for this murder case.

(A) creative(B) motive (C) concern (D) pressure (E) promotion

※詳本中心警察三等特考講義第111 create measures that motivate out employees… motive=motivation

21. DWI stands for driving while ______.

(A) influence(B) injured (C) intoxicated (D) importing (E) insured

※詳本中心警察三等特考講義第65 drunk driving; driving while intoxicated (DWI) impaired driving…

22. The judge gave Mary a life _____ because she had killed her parents purposely.

(A) sentence (B) judgment (C) rehab (D) execution (E) trial

101學年度警察大學學士班二年制技術系考前猜題重要例句第十一句He was sentenced to life imprisonment

23. To legally search one’s home, the police must have a search _____.

(A) ID(B) note (C) order (D) warrant (E) ticket


24. John’s bike was stolen. He went to the police station to see if there was a ______ camera in operation at the time.

(A) transmit (B) remember (C) surveillance (D) receive (E) decorate

101學年度警察大學學士班二年制技術系考前猜題警察相關英文 surveillance record監視紀錄

25. Frisk is ______ a person’s outer clothing to see if the suspect has a weapon.

(A) patting down (B) sliding (C) seizing (D) detaining (E) grabbing

101學年度警察大學學士班二年制技術系考前猜題重要例句第一句 Frisk is the pat-down of a person’s outer clothing…

二、會話:請根據題意,選擇一個最適當的答案 ( 10)

26. Detective Chang: How may I help you?

Susan: I’d like to report _________.

(A) a burglary because my house was broken with

(B) a kidnapping because my bag was stolen

(C) a shoplifting because my bike was lost in

(D) a robbery because my purse was taken from me

(E) a murder because my son was missing out

101學年度警察大學學士班二年制技術系考前猜題重要例句第七句: Residential burglary=break into入室竊盜 Car theft 汽車竊盜 Pickpocket 扒手 aggravated assault 重傷害 armed robbery 持槍搶劫 Arson 縱火犯

27. Police: Do you remember _____?

Mary: She was wearing a black T-shirt and a pair of jeans.

(A) the suspect wear what (B) the suspect look like

(C) what the suspect was wearing (D) wore the suspect what

(E) the suspect dresses


28. Police: Do you remember the _____ of your car?

John: Oh, let me see. It’s a Cadillac.

(A) color (B) make (C) year (D) plate number (E) engine

此處make 為名詞做廠牌

29. Police: Good morning. I am Officer Li. _________?

George: I want to report a theft. I can’t find my car.

(A) Is there anything I can help you with (B) Can I call 119 for you

(C) This is Central Police Station (D) Where did you park your car (E) Can I make a statement


30. Police: Please show me your driver’s license and vehicle registration.

Driver: ______.

(A) Here I am (B) Thank you (C) Here you go (D) I know (E) Show me your cuffs

※詳本中心警察三等特考講義第13 Police: Please show me your vehicle registration. Suspect: Here you are/go.

2012年5月26日 星期六


   徐偉圓夢諮詢中心 呂艾肯吳泰良 老師 編授


警政管理英文 (報案、問路、簽證延期、天災準備、醫療救護、路檢、安全檢查等)

law enforce 執法 detain (v.) detention (n.) 拘留 custody監禁 raid 臨檢 statistics 統計

prostitute (v.) prostitution從事性交易 (賣淫) human trafficking人口販運 disaster災難

security checkpoint安全 檢查站 Alien Resident Certificate外僑居留證 emergency 緊急狀況

刑事司法英文 (家庭暴力、傷害案件、證人面談、法庭詢問、販毒等)

suspect嫌疑犯 prosecutor檢察官 jury 陪審團 Attorney/lawyer律師 bail交保 fugitive逃犯

jurisdiction/ sovereignty管轄權司法權/主權 defendant/accused被告 Plaintiff原告 at large逃亡中

convict/sentence判決(of)/判決(to) probation緩刑 penalty 刑罰 warrant搜索票 summon傳票

sexual harassment性騷擾 addiction上癮 drug/ child abuse藥物濫用/虐童 domestic violence家暴

警察科技英文 (謀殺案偵查、犯罪現場、網路支援、酒駕事件交通勤務等)

breathalyzer test酒測 drunk driving/DUI/DWI酒駕 homicide謀殺 testimony證詞

hit and run 肇事逃逸 speed bumper減速標線 vehicle registration行照 driver license駕照

forensic scientist鑑定科學家 expert witness專家證人 crime scene犯罪現場

警察相關英文辭 (警察機關職稱、罪名及毒品名稱、常用警察器材等)

National Police Agency警政署 Criminal Investigation Bureau刑事局 deterrence嚇阻

precinct分局 beat警巡區 surveillance record監視紀錄 bullet-proof vest防彈背心

metal detector金屬探測器 handcuff手銬; 上手銬(v.) red-handed offender現行犯






instead of


in order to


due to/owing to/

because of 因為

on behalf of


in spite of

儘管 後加NVing

in violation of


tow away


In one’s favor



1. Frisk is the pat-down of a person’s outer clothing after a stop to see if the suspect has a weapon or something that feels like a weapon, which can be seized by the officer.

拍搜是在攔停某人後查看是否嫌疑犯持有武器或警方可查扣的疑似武器物所進行在外衣拍搜之行為。 : confiscate/condemn 充公 seize (v.) seizure (n.)

2. Sharp objects and flammable items are prohibited on the aircraft.

尖銳物品或易燃物品在飛機上是禁止的 : prohibit=ban=interdict=forbid 禁止

3. Fraud is the crime of deceiving people in order to get something such as money or goods illegally.


: Fraud/scam ring 詐騙集團 Fraud syndicate 詐騙集團 Internet fraud/scam 網路詐騙 Identity theft 身分盜用 forgery/counterfeit 偽造 theft/larceny竊盜

4. Mary was under arrest on suspicion of attempted murder.


: suspicion/ accuse/ charge (名詞時) 後面介係詞為 of 另外 arrest=apprehend

5. Helen, a 16-year-old girl, was walking dog at 6 in the morning in a park when she was kidnapped. Someone called to threaten to kill her if the ransom was not paid.

一名16六歲名叫海倫的女孩在早上6點公園裡溜狗時被綁架. 歹徒來電威脅如不交付贖金將予殺害 : 刑求虐待可用 torture

6. The mayor of Kaohsiung agreed to provide financial aid to the flood victims.

高雄市長同意對水災災民提供金援 : refugee 難民

7. An old lady was mugged by someone who rode a scooter when coming home late at night.


: Residential burglary=break into入室竊盜 Car burglary 汽車撬竊 Car theft 汽車竊盜

Pickpocket 扒手 aggravated assault 重傷害 armed robbery 持槍搶劫 Arson 縱火犯

8. To use an ATM (automated teller machine), you need to first insert your bank card and enter a set of PIN number.

當使用自動提款機時首先你需要插入提款卡和鍵入一串個人身分辨識碼 (1003)

9. The police have proof that he was not at home when she was murdered.

警方證明當她被殺害時他並未在家 : prove動詞 physical evidence 證據

10. The police interrogate him about the whereabouts of his wife.

警方詢問他關於他妻子的下落 : 也可用question


2012年5月23日 星期三



徐偉圓夢諮詢中心                                   呂艾肯 吳泰良老師 

. 重要單字

警政管理英文 (報案、問路、簽證延期、天災準備、醫療救護、路檢、安全檢查等)

law enforce


detain (v.) detention

拘留 custody監禁



security checkpoint

安全 檢查站


巡邏   statistics 統計

commit the crime






Alien Resident Certificate.




prostitute (v.)

從事性交易 (賣淫)

human trafficking


刑事司法英文 (家庭暴力、傷害案件、證人面談、法庭詢問、販毒等)




檢察官 jury 陪審團

jurisdiction/ sovereignty



搜索票 summon傳票


被告 Plaintiff原告




逃犯 at large逃亡中


緩刑 penalty 刑罰



domestic violence


sexual harassment




drug/ child abuse




警察科技英文 (謀殺案偵查、犯罪現場、網路支援、酒駕事件交通勤務等)

breathalyzer test


drunk driving/DUI/DWI


sobriety checkpoint


hit and run       


fasten seat belt




vehicle registration

行照driver license駕照

crime scene


forensic scientist


expert witness






警察相關英文辭 (警察機關職稱、罪名及毒品名稱、常用警察器材等)

National Police Agency


Criminal Investigation Bureau






surveillance record


bullet-proof vest


metal detector



手銬; 上手銬(v.)

red-handed offender




. 重要片語





instead of


in order to


due to/owing to/

because of 因為

on behalf of


in spite of

儘管 後加NVing

in violation of


tow away


in one’s favor


buckle up


With regard to


. 重要例句

1. Frisk is the pat-down of
a person’s outer clothing after a stop to see if the suspect has a weapon or
something that feels like a weapon, which can be seized by the officer.

拍搜是在攔停某人後查看是否嫌疑犯持有武器或警方可查扣的疑似武器物所進行在外衣拍搜之行為。 : confiscate/condemn 充公  seize (v.)  seizure (n.)

2. Sharp
objects and flammable items
are prohibited on the

尖銳物品或易燃物品在飛機上是禁止的     : prohibit=ban=interdict=forbid 禁止

3. Fraud is the crime of deceiving people in order to get
something such as money or goods illegally.